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Q: In what sport must you be careful not to serve faults?
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Are there faults in ping-pong?

If you mean like when you serve, no. If you serve it into the net, it's a point for the other player. However, if it hits the net (on your serve) on the way to the other side, it's a "let", in which you serve it over again. Real rules are also that you must serve it from one side of your side diagonally to the other side, like real tennis.

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When taking a horse out of it's box, you must be careful before.

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A representative must be twentyfive years old and an USA citizen and he/she must serve for two years.

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You must be 35 at the time you serve, same as for the president since the VP is "just a heartbeat from the Presidency " and must be eligible to serve .

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We should be careful as we don"t know their habitats

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They must serve 2 Yrs and if you in the senate its 6 yrs.