You can't wear white in soccer because if you wear white then you will get grass stains if you fall.
Table tennis
White Platform Sport Shoes
They weren't allowed to prey and they weren't allowed to wear darkish clothes, they all had to wear brilliant white robes!
Labour day but this is now old fashioned, you can wear white shoes whenvever you like!
Tennis at Wimbledon and Test cricket
Yes. Usually, Chinese brides wear red to show sign of their loyalty to the "Communism" , but some do wear white, since white is close to yellow.
Iceberg climbing is not allowed in Antarctica: it is too extreme a sport to be allowed. You'll wear several jumpers and a down coat over them in order to stay warm in Antarctica.
Yes.. I play basketball, and most of the girls on my team wear makeup during games and practices. There's no reason to not allow it.
White. They say it may distract the hitter because the ball is also white.
The Scottish national sport teams wear dark blue with white.
-Jewish had to wear yellow star -They weren't allowed to drive -No playing sport -They are only allowed to shop between 3 and 5 o'clock
They are ugly. Don't buy them. This has got to stop. The next generation can't be allowed to wear them.