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Q: If the basketball team at your school was chasing the baseball team what time would it be?
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Which ball would go further a baseball or a basketball?


What is New York favorite baseball and and basketball team?

For Baseball it would be the New York Yankees and for Basketball it would be the new york knicks

Where would a pro basketball player train?

in a high school on a basketball team or in a gym or a home on your basketball goal

would Saturn be a baseball if Jupiter was a basketball?


Is baseball better than basketball?

It depends on person to person, but for playing basketball requires less equipment and players. In watching basketball is more popular, but baseball is fun to watch too. I would rate basketball over baseball, but then again depends on person to person. Any answer would be opinionated; some people like baseball better, and others like basketball better.

Can I play college basketball even if I didn't play high school basketball?

Yes, it would be difficult, but yes.

Where does the comma go you like to play baseball basketball and soccer?

You like to play baseball, basketball andsoccer.Because you are using the word 'and' there is no need for a comma. If there were four sports there would be one extra comma.Example: You like to play baseball, basketball,soccer and football.

How good do you have to be to get a basketball scholarship?

Very good There are somewhere around 1600 total scholarship spots available each year in Division I men's basketball. Figure thousands and thousands of high school basketball players are contending for those 1600 spots. So, logic would tell us that for a player to receive a scholarship to a division I school for basketball one would have to be in the top 1% of all high school basketball players nationwide.

What sports would you do?

well i prefer the great 3: football, basketball, and baseball

What is the most purchased item in the US?

It would either be the Baseball bat or a Basketball shirt

How do you play women's basketball?

If you're talking about professional women's basketball, you would have to be on your school's team and a scout would come look at you and sign you. Or, you could play for your community's team and a scout would check you out.

What sport is famous in NC?

College basketball is famous in North Carolina.