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Q: I need help with an idea a product or a service for a sports marketing class im taking something that is out of the box plausible and needs to be wanted somewhere in sports any ideas?
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What is the difference between product marketing vs service marketing?

Product marketing and service marketing are different in some ways. With service marketing, it's about relationship and value, and the buyer is purchasing something that is intangible, whereas with product, the buyer is purchasing an item that is tangible. Product marketing is based on a reputation of the quality of product, unlike service marketing, which is mainly based on a reputation from word of mouth. Something else that differentiates the two is that products are returnable, services aren't.

Role of advertising and promotion in marketing?

Advertising and promotion is essential in marketing because it is the branch of marketing that tells the consumer something about the product.

How the marketing of services is differs from marketing of products inluding four marketing elements that can tell the different between service and product?

A product is something you can touch, a service is an action performed by someone (labor). But both have same marketing ways to get exposure.

Is product management the same as product marketing?

No, they are not. Product marketing is the sales of a product. Product management includes marketing, production, manufacturing, distribution and sales.

What is fashion marketing?

Fashion marketing is much the same as product marketing. Integrating brand into the product is something always popular in the fashion world for many popular retail fashion wares. Basically fashion marketing is marketing to either fashion conscious consumers or to distribution channels such as retail franchises and so forth.

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What are the marketing implications for different customer and product types in industrial marketing?

What is different between marketing and shopping?

Shopping is when you buy something or are looking for something to buy. However marketing is completely different and is when you advertise e.g. businesses may market their new product to promote it.

What is the different between shopping and marketing?

Shopping is when you buy something or are looking for something to buy. However marketing is completely different and is when you advertise e.g. businesses may market their new product to promote it.

Define marketing distinguish product marketing and services markrting with suitable example?

Define Marketing. Distinguish product marketing and services marketing with suitable examples

Where is a good place to look for product marketing jobs?

The best place to look for product marketing jobs is at a product marketing firm. You may find product marketing firms in the phone book. You may have a hard time finding product marketing firms if you do not live in a city of adequate size.

Is product part of the marketing mix?

The first element in the marketing mix is the product.

What is the role of reference groups in marketing a product?

What is the role of reference groups in marketing a product?"