My favorite has to be " factory of sadness" that someone came up with to describe the Cleveland Browns
Describe a time when you had to work on a team that did not get along
I describe it bad not healthiest, but sweet.
Describe an example of when you became frustrated with a peer/team member.
They are really a good team but a lot of people think they are a bad team.
Three adjectives to describe bad quality are: cheap, shoddy, or inferior.
A bad team experience can make a person less willing to be part of a team, in the future.
Describe how bad inflation in Germany was
There are millions of ways you could describe a situation. You could describe a situation based on facts or on feelings for example.
Some words that describe bad people include: dishonest, manipulative, selfish, and cruel.
there not a bad team ...
nasty bad horrible ya thats it
Basically it means "very very bad scores". So bad that "bad" is not adequate to describe how bad they are.