Andrej Sekera was born on 1986-06-08.
Andrej Sekera plays for the Carolina Hurricanes.
Andrej Sekera plays defense for the Carolina Hurricanes.
Andrej Sekera is number 4 on the Carolina Hurricanes.
Andrej Sekera was born in Bojnice, Czechoslovakia on 06-08-86.
NHL player Andrej Sekera shoots left.
NHL player Andrej Sekera weighs 201 pounds.
NHL player Andrej Sekera was born on 06-08-86 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 28 years old.
Andrej Sepetkovski is 178 cm.
Andrej Falk is 173 cm.
Andrej Milivojevic is 195 cm.
Andrej Mokos is 175 cm.