Arthur Ashe was a professional tennis player who won three Grand Slams. Arthur was born on July 10, 1943. His mother Mattie died from the complications of a toxemic pregnancy in 1950 when Arthur was just 7 years old.
# arthur ashe wasxx 6 yrs old wenn hiss mother died...
Arthur Ashe died on February 6, 1993 at the age of 49.
Arthur Ashe passed away in New York Hospital in Queens, New York (New York City)on February 6, 1993.
Mattie Cordell Cunningham Ashe died in 1950. The mother of the famous tennis star, Arthur Ashe, she died when Arthur was only seven years old. She had gone to hospital for a minor surgery but died of toxemia.
how old is arthur ashes daughter now ?
he won three awards: THE u.s open, the Austrialan open ,and the Wimbledon
Samuel Ashe died on February 13, 1813 at the age of 87.
Samuel Ashe was born on March 24, 1725 and died on February 13, 1813. Samuel Ashe would have been 87 years old at the time of death or 290 years old today.
The book of black secrets showed Hope was 41 when she died and Arthur was 42.
Chester Arthur was 57 when he died.
Mara Wilson was7 years old when her mom died (her mom died in the filming of Matilda)
Arthur Evans (archaeologist) died at the age of 90.