Salaries range from $350,000 for the league minimum to $27.5 M for the highest paid player (Alex Rodriguez).
The average salary has not been published for 2008 yet, but it will be somewhere between $2 - $3.5 M.
the minimum wage for a Major League Baseball player is almost $400000
Around 1.4m
not a lot
it really depands on how good you are like prince he makes alot of money cause he good but if your like a bench player your not going to make alot of money
It depends a football player makes there money every year it depends how much they earn per year
as much shan karemani gives them
it depends on how good he is
He makes as much money as his contract stats that he has with the professional team that he plays for.
It All Depends On How Much A Player Makes Per Year.
3.4 million is the average as of 2012.
Average salary as of 2012 season is $3,440,000 per year.