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Q: How much is a Weaver Model K-856 scope in good condition worth?
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$475.00 if in 100% condition

How much is a Weaver Model 333 scope worth?

Hundreds of thousands of Weaver Model 333 telescopic sights from 1930 to 1947. One of these scopes in good condition is worth about 80 to 125 dollars.

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100-1000 USD

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What is a used Remington 308 model 788 worth with a wood stock and a weaver scope in good condition?

there are 2 .243s in 788 at the local gun shop for $470 each in good shape

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What is the value of a Hi standard model a1041?

Back in the 60s, there were 3 versions of the a1041. The standard model is worth about $100, the special $150, & the special deluxe $200. Of course it must be in excellent condition to realize those prices. More if the original Weaver 3x6 scope is included.

What is a Remington 308 Model 788 worth?

It is not possible to give an answer without a lot more information. The condition of the rifle, that is condition of the metal (blue) and wood (stock). Whether it has a scope or not. Make of scope and type (make of ) base and rings.A Remington 308 Model 788 is worth about $400 dollars in excellent condition without out scope. Could be less or could be more depending on what I stated in the above paragraph.

How much is a1968 Winchester Model 70 30-06-SPRG thas is in good condition with a 3x9 Vari-X II Leupold Scope worth?

Your rifle is worth between 450-650 dollars if is in good condition with the scope included.

What is the Model 80 Daisy Long Rifle worth it is in excellent condition?

With Scope and Canteen ( Originally came with it.) Mfg 1954-1957 is worth around $250-$300 in Excellent condition ( Like New) model 80/155 is worth $125-$150.

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How much is a Weaver V7W scope worth?

one just sold on e-bay for $96.00