NBA player Elfrid Payton is 6'-04''.
Elfrid Payton plays for the Orlando Magic.
Elfrid Payton plays for the Orlando Magic.
Elfrid Payton plays point guard for the Orlando Magic.
Elfrid Payton plays point guard for the Orlando Magic.
Elfrid Payton is number 2 on the Orlando Magic.
NBA player Elfrid Payton played for Louisiana-Lafayette.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Elfrid Payton is 20 years old.
NFL player Quintin Payton weighs 212 pounds.
New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton is 54 years old (birthdate: December 29, 1963).
Payton Manning gets payed $99.8 million dollars a year
The Gary Payton Lakers jersey is worth between $25 and $40.