Clint Capela plays for the Houston Rockets.
Clint Capela plays center for the Houston Rockets.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Clint Capela is 20 years old.
MLB player Clint Barmes weighs 200 pounds.
MLB player Clint Robinson weighs 245 pounds.
Rita do Vale Capela goes by Rita do Vale Capela.
Clint Walker weighed around 235-240 pounds in his prime.
The population of Subprefecture of Capela do Socorro is 672,901.
Manuel Capela was born on 1922-05-09.
Aníbal Capela was born on 1991-05-08.
Luís Capela was born on 1994-05-29.
The area of Subprefecture of Capela do Socorro is 132.23 square kilometers.