Prior to the Hatton fight, Manny Pacquiao bench pressed the standard bar with three 45 pound plates on each side. That's 315 pounds. He did one full rep, lowered for a second rep, but could not push it back up on his own for the second rep.
Fighters weighing 150 pounds who can bench 225 (2 plates on each side) are considered strong for their sizes. Pacquiao, at about 150 "walk around" pounds, benches 90 pounds more. This explains why Pacquiao is so fast and powerful, as speed, and therefore power, is a function of strength-to-weight ratio.
A more interestingly, based on the fact that Pacquiao can bench 315 lb, we can extrapolate that he would be able to bench 225 lb approximately 12 times!
Floyd Mayweather would probably bench press around 250.
mayweather get 40 million for this fight
Floyd Mayweather Jr. has a net worth of $280 million.
iheard Floyd mayweather makes 25mill :-)
$458 Million Gross
500-1000 doller's
about $20 million
The estimated cost of Floyd Mayweather's fiance's ring is $10 million.
Floyd Mayweather training is basically boxing training. He has trained Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Chad Dawson and others. Due to Floyd's medical conditions, diabetes for one, the training may not last much longer.
Robert Guerrero was paid three million dollars to fight Floyd Mayweather during the month of May. Floyd Mayweather was paid over thirty million for the fight.
they each got about 32 million
Bob Sanders can bench 332-pound bench press
He has been known to bench press 405lbs.