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Q: How many type sports biomechanics?
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Related questions

What has the author James G Hay written?

James G. Hay has written: 'A bibliography of biomechanics literature' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Biomechanics, Human mechanics, Physiological aspects of Sports, Sports 'The biomechanics of sports techniques' -- subject(s): Human mechanics, Physiological aspects, Physiological aspects of Sports, Sports

When was Journal of Dental Biomechanics created?

Journal of Dental Biomechanics was created in 2009.

How are various historical events shaped the progression of subdiscipline of biomechanics?

Many historical events have shaped the subdiscipline of biomechanics. Major events such as war often are the catalysts to furthering technology. For instance, in wanting to protect soldiers from chemical or biological warfare, scientists have furthered the area of biomechanics by creating devices that protect soldiers.

What sports and social clubs are there?

the list is endless, too many to type in

What type of science is in sports?

many things like inertia gravity etc.

Who is the father of modern Biomechanics?

y.c. fung

What has the author Patrick J Squire written?

Patrick J. Squire has written: 'Biomechanics of sport and human movement' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Kinesiology, Biomechanics

What is the difference between athletic sports and sports-type game?

Define "sports-type" games and I probably will be able to answer your question more accurately..

What is clinical biomechanics?

it is a thing up yr bum

What is the study of force called?

It's called biomechanics.

What type of sports does Sidney Crosby enjoy?

Other than hockey Sidney Crosby enjoys many sports like baseball, football, soccer and tennis!

What has the author Christopher Ross Ethier written?

Christopher Ross Ethier has written: 'Introductory biomechanics' -- subject(s): Biomechanics, Problems, exercises, Problems, exercises, etc