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TRIPLE CROWN WINNERSYearNameJockeyTrainerOwner1919Sir BartonJohn LoftusH. G. BedwellJ. K. L. Ross1930Gallant FoxEarl SandeJames FitzsimmonsBelair Stud1935OmahaWilliam SaundersJames FitzsimmonsBelair Stud1937War AdmiralCharley KurtsingerGeorge ConwaySamuel D. Riddle1941WhirlawayEddie ArcaroBen A. JonesCalumet Farm1943Count FleetJohn LongdenDon CameronMrs. J. D. Hertz1946AssaultWarren MehrtensMax HirschKing Ranch1948CitationEddie ArcaroBen A. JonesCalumet Farm1973SecretariatRon TurcotteLucien LaurinMeadow Stable/td>1977Seattle SlewJean CruguetWilliam Turner, Jr.Karen L. Taylor1978AffirmedSteve CauthenLazaro S. BarreraHarbor View Farm

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Baseball batting triple crown and horse racing triple crown were both won in 1937. Joe Medwick of the St. Louis Cardinals won in baseball and War Admiral won in horse racing.

The baseball pitching triple crown and horse racing triple crown were both won in 1930 and 1937. In 1930, Lefty Grove of the Philadelphia Athletics won in baseball and Gallant Fox won in horse racing and, in 1937, Lefty Gomez of the New York Yankees won in baseball and War Admiral won in horse racing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The "Triple Crown" is an award that is given to the player in either league with the highest batting average, the most r.b.i.'s, and of course, the most home runs. To achieve this award a single player must have all three. Until Miguel Cabrera won this award this year in 2012, the last time was 1967.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

I will list the most popular triple crown series:

In the USA the most recent winner was American Pharoah in 2015.

In England that would be Nijinsky in 1970.

Ireland : Windsor Slipper in 1942

Canada: Wando 2003.

Australia: Dundeel 2013.

Japan: Orfevre 2011

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There have been 14 players that have won the Triple Crown in hitting with two players dong it twice. The last to do it was Carl Yastrzemski in 1967 when he hit 326, 44 HR, 121 RBI.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

American Pharoh in 2015

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1956 Triple Crown WinnerMickey Mantle won the Triple Crown in 1956. He batted .353 with 52 home runs and 130 RBI's.

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None. Fillies usually do not run quite as fast as colts, although there have been filly winners in some of the Triple Crown races, but none have ever won the crown.

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No Chicago Cub has ever won the Triple Crown in hitting. Two have done it in pitching. In 1918 Hippo Vaughn won the Triple Crown in pitching with a record of 22-10, 1.27 ERA, and 162 strikeouts ,and in 1920 Pete Alexander won the Triple crown with a record of 27-14, 1.91 ERA, and 173 strikeouts.

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Dwight Gooden 1985 Triple CrownThere has never been a New York Met to win the Triple crown in hitting. Dwight Gooden won the triple Crown for pitching (Wins, ERA, Strikeouts) Dwight won it in 1985 with a record of 24-4, an ERA of 1.53 and 268 strikeouts.

How many MLB players have won the Triple Crown?

Only 16 players have won the MLB Triple Crown

Triple Crown winners how many are there?

14 Players Won the Triple CrownThere have been 14 different players that have won the Triple Crown in hitting with two players dong it twice. Roger Horsby in 1922, and 1925, and Ted Williams in 1942, and 1947. The last to hit for the Triple Crown was Carl Yastrzemski in 1967 when he hit 326, with 44 home runs, and had 121 RBIs.

What player hit the msot home runs during a triple crown year what year and how many?

Mickey Mantle.In Mantle's triple crown season of 1956, he hit 52 home runs along with having 130 RBIs and a .353 batting average.