9 league matches
2 cup matches
3 european matches
14 games in total
Jonathan Mensah had played 27 times for Ghana before the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Jonathan de Guzmán had played 10 times for Netherlands before the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Anelka, Owen , Diarra, Zenden, Hughes, Petit
Jonathan Swan has 1 child
Wesley Jonathan has 1 child
When Jonathan Died has 176 pages.
Jonathan Swan has 1 child
Wesley Jonathan has 1 child
Jonathan Winters has 2 children
Jonathan Winters has 2 children
"Jonathan Troy" by Edward Abbey has 254 pages.
There are three individuals named Jonathan in the Bible: Jonathan, the son of King Saul and friend of David; Jonathan, the son of Gershom and grandson of Moses; and Jonathan, a Levite and David's musician.