From home to first, first to second, etc.. the distance between bases is 90 feet. All the way around is 360 feet.
But if you're asking what the distance is around a whole Baseball field, each field is different. Some have much bigger fields than others. The only thing that is the same is the infield.
HOw how many feet is an a triple in baseball
No One Knows Becuase Baseball Has Been Around A Long Time.
there are 50 right angles on a baseball field.
10 yards
There are 90 feet between each base in MLB. The baseball "diamond" is a square, 90 feet on a side. Home plate, first base and third base are located in three corners of the square, but second base is centered on the fourth corner. Since home plate lies along the first 12 inches of the first base line and first base is 15 inches across, the distance form home to first along the first base line is actually 27 inches less than 90 feet, namely 87 feet, 9 inches; similarly between home and third. The distance from first to second along the unmarked edge of the diamond is 88 feet, 1.5 inches; likewise from second to third. Details of the layout of the baseball diamond can be found in section 1 of the Official Baseball Rules, available online at the related link below.
If you mean by correctly going around the bases, then 180 feet. Home to first is 90 feet, and first to second is another 90 feet. If you aren't going around the bases and you are just going straight to second, it is about 127 feet (on a major league field).
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as many as found a diamond is a chunk of rock, so from anywhere around 3 sides to about 30 i would say
9 but there can be ten (you can play with an extra outfeilder in tee-ball)
A baseball is made of several feet of string wrapped very tightly around a small rubber ball. On the outside are two strips of white leather sewed together. So I guess you could wrap many feet of string around a Super Ball, keep it together with strong and otherwise toxic glue, and sew leather around it.
There are 33,480 feet around 2700 acres.
11 feet.