Leonhard Euler has 1 brother,Johann Heinrich Euler and 2 sisters,Maria MagdalenaandAnna Maria.
three older sisters and one little brother. Olga, Tatiana, and Maria were her sisters (in chronological order) Tsarevich Alexei was her only little brother.
He has a brother, Georg, who is a priest and had a sister, Maria, who passed away several years ago.
He has a brother George who is a priest. He had a sister, Maria, who died several years ago.
12 Brothers and Sisters. Gnie5151:One of the names of the sisters is Maria Feliciano.I know that because she is my grandma snd she told me that Jose is her brother
He has one brother, Georg, who is a priest and had a sister, Maria, who passed away in 1991.
4 brother's and 2 sisters
There are three brothers and two sisters.
One brother, two sisters ( if you're the second brother)
Jose Rizal had nine brothers and sisters: Saturnina, Paciano, Narcisa, Olympia, Lucia, Maria, Jose, Concepcion, and Troadio.
andrew had 1 brother but no sisters
He has a brother called Hugo and two sisters.