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there are 4 bases in Baseball 1 st base, 2 nd base, 3rd base, and home plate.

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Q: How many bases in baseball?
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How many bases are there?

In Baseball there are four bases: first, second, third, and home.

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How many bases are in baseball?

there are 3 bases and 1 home plate not including the pitching mound.

How many bases are there in baseball?

Four, including the home plate.

What does a baseball player do on bases?

it bases on them

In Major League Baseball is there really 4 bases?

There are 4 bases in Major League Baseball.

Feet between bases in Japanese baseball?

Same as American baseball...90 feet between the bases.

Do you think there are too many injuries because of the big bases in major-league baseball?

No. Many of the injuries are pitching related.

What is the distance in between the bases?

In Major League Baseball, College baseball and High School baseball, the distance between the bases is 90 feet.

What is the etymology of the baseball?

You use bases.

What does it mean when the bases are loaded in baseball?

3 base runners on 3 bases