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Sort of a trick question. Most would assume nine active players must be on the field:

  1. pitcher
  2. catcher
  3. 1st baseman
  4. 2nd baseman
  5. 3rd baseman
  6. shortstop
  7. left fielder
  8. center fielder
  9. right fielder
This is the defensive team. You can't have a game though without an offense. In Baseball, the offense is the batter, number ten man on the field and also active.
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Q: How many active baseball players on the field?
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How many players on a baseball field?

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25 active players on a MLB roster.

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18 players are in a baseball game, 9 on each team on the field.

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In The game of Baseball there are 9 people in the field at once

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In The game of baseball there are 9 people in the field at once

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Depends there are 13 on the field of play and 54 I think on the active roster

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At any time, there are 9 defensive players and 1 to 4 offensive players on the field.

How many baseball players on the field?

Traditionally, there are nine players on the field... the batter is not included, because he is not a 'field' player/position. There are three outfielders, three basemen, a shortstop, a pitcher and a catcher... that equals 9.

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