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I posed this question. I know of Tenley Albright, Eric Heiden and Debi Thomas, but are there any others?

Amy Chow

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Q: How many US Olympic athletes have become medical doctors?
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Why do athletes become Olympic volleyball players?

Becoming an olympic volleyball player will be a great experience for young players who are devoted to the sport. It will bring you happiness to something you love.:)

In what year did it become illegal for athletes at the Olympic games to use drugs to enhance their performance during the competition?

Drug tests were first introduced at the Olympic Winter Games in Grenoble and at the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968.

How old do you have to do to become an olympic athlete?

Athletes competing in the Olympics must be 16 years of age or turning 16 within the calendar year.

How are sports for the Olympics determined?

Athletes are chosen by... they have to become champians of there neighborhood then become champians of there city then become champians of there province then become champians of there country and then people vote to coose them to become olympic athletes!! P.S If your not sure about this question, ask your granparents they are wiser!!

Schools for a doctor?

schools that train people to become doctors and nurses are called medical schools.

What kind of experiences do doctors need?

Training to become a Doctor includes practical experience - under supervision.

Can you go to junior college for anesthesiologist?

YOU HAVE TO GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL TO become an M.D. (physician). Then you specialize in ANESTHESIOLOGY from there.. ALL anesthesiologists are medical doctors.

What is duke university best-known for?

Duke University specializes in the medical feild. alot of there students become doctors after leaving.

How old are most students who have become Medical doctors?

generally 40 to 50 years old depending how long

What skills do dermatologist have?

Dermatologists have M.D. degrees, meaning that they are medical doctors. After medical school, they complete residency programs in dermatology, where they become experts on abnormalities of the skin.

Can anyone become an Olympic athlete?

Yes.Anyone can become an Olympic athlete.But he have to join in Olympic and win.

Do all doctors have Medical Billing Training?

No, most doctors are not concerned with medical billing training, and any training that they have is cursory. They leave that to secretaries or medical billing specialists. No. Most doctors have no medical billing training at all. They employ medical billing specialists who are usually their receptionists. There is however a large opportunity fo become a medical billing specialist. Just beware of the many scams available.