2 bowls per
I don't know how many bowls of sugar but there are 39 grams or the equivilent of 9 tabelspoons of sugar per 12 oz can.
If you are asking about mixing bowl sets, there are usually three or five bowls per set. If you're asking about a dining set, then one bowl per place setting.
Super has two syllables. Su-per.
2 su-per
Bowls of cereal
The Green Bay Packers received $15,000 per man for winning the First World Championship Game AFL vs NFL (aka Super Bowl I).
The compound word super-size has three syllables. The syllables are su-per-size.
He earns 20,000,000 per year and during the upcoming seson he would make the same and by the season of 2011-2012 he would earn less.
As many as a super computer can count and even then that ain't high enough
Oh, dude, you're really making me do math right now? Okay, fine. So, if one bowl holds 100 peanuts, then you'd need 10,000 bowls to hold a million peanuts. Like, that's a lot of bowls, man. Hope you have a big pantry!
over 9000!