NFL - Arizona Cardinals
MLB - St. Louis Cardinals
NFL - Carolina Panthers
NHL - Florida Panthers
MLB - San Francisco Giants
NFL - New York Giants
MLB - Texas Rangers
NHL - New York Rangers
NBA - Sacramento Kings
NHL - Los Angeles Kings
If you want to count teams that no longer exist, you can also do:
NFL - Houston Oilers
NHL - Edmonton Oilers
NFL - Cleveland Browns
MLB - St. Louis Browns
NFL- New York Jets
NHL- Winnipeg Jets
It should be noted that this list contains onlyfranchises from the four major American pro team sports. These teams could also be included...
Pittsburgh Pirates (NHL) 1925-1930/ Defunct
Pittsburgh Pirates (NFL) 1933-1939/ Changed name to Steelers
Pittsburg Pirates (MLB) 1891-1911/ Also known as The Alleghenys
Pittsburgh Pirates (MLB) 1912-Present/ Dropped secondary team nickname and adopted modern era unis and logo
Colorado Rockies (MLB) 1993-Present
Colorado Rockies (NHL) 1976-1982/ Relocated to NJ and changed name to Devils
NY and San Francisco Giants - NFL & MLB
LA and Sacramento Kings - NHL & NBA
Carolina and Florida Panthers - NFL & NHL
Texas and NY Rangers - MLB & NHL
Arizona and St. Louis Cardinals - NFL & MLB
Kansas City and Washington Wizards - MLS & NBA
Past teams also:
The Colts were once called the NY yankees, Brooklyn Dodgers, and Dallas Texans.
Before moving to Baltimore the Orioles were the St. Louis Browns (short for brown stockings) and before moving to Stl. there were Milaukee Brewers. There are countless examples of Professional teams sharing names in the past.
Currently there are the:
New York and San Fransisco Giants - NFL & MLB
Arizona and St. Louis Cardinals - NFL & MLB
New York and Texas Rangers - NHL & MLB
Los Angeles and Sacramento Kings - NHL & NBA
North Carolina Panthers and Florida Panthers - NFL & NHL
Kansas City and Washington Wizards - MLS & NBA
Formerly there were also the:
Houston and Edmonton Oilers
New York and Winnipeg Jets
Washington and Ottawa Senators
Cincinnati and Kansas City Royals
St. Louis Cardinals MLB and Arizona Cardinals NFL
New York Rangers NHL and Texas Rangers MLB
New York Giants NFL and San Francisco Giants MLB
Los Angeles Kings NHL and Sacramento Kings NBA
Carolina Panthers NFL and Florida Panthers NHL
he same
schools have sports logos because their sports teams are representing their school. Sports logos are mainly the same logo as the school logo. It is mainly to look good!
I doubt it, a lot of sports teams have the same initials
lions and kings
Competition between teams from different schools is called intermural sports and competition between teams from the same school is called intramural sports.
Sadly no, but that would be cool
Manchester City, Hull City (possibly changing to "Tigers"), Leicester City, Birmingham City, Bradford City.
lege sports and more advanced sports are different. For example college sports don't have known teams. Network is showing like cowboys vs. the dolphins.
Right now, Boston.