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It depends on what sport the athlete is playing, for normal people it takes about three to six weeks for ribs to heal on average. For an athlete in say football, it will probably be longer, probably about five to eight weeks

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Q: How long will an athlete with broken ribs be out of the game?
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Related questions

What does broken displaced ribs mean?

The ribs are broken and not in their normal place in the body.

What do cows act like if it has a broken rib?

They may be off of feed, short of breath, standing for long periods of time, you may be able to see an abnormal positioning of the ribs if they are broken. If you suspect that the animal does have broken ribs, it is recommended that you call your veterinarian for treatment.

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It is not recommended to use a hot tub with broken ribs as the heat can worsen inflammation and pain in the affected area. It's best to consult with a doctor for proper guidance on managing broken ribs.

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Yes, he has had broken ribs.

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broken ribs

How long do you stay in the hospital for broken ribs?

Depends on your age and on the which rib have you broken. On average, 10 to 20 days. Unless you have other injuries, they tape you up and send you home.

How do you use the word ribs in a sentence?

The broken hull exposed the shattered ribs of the grounded ship, lying askew in the shoals. My ribs hurt!

Why is Tom Brady not playing in the 2010 pro bowl?

since the third preseason game (against washington) brady has had an unspecified number of broken ribs (he wont say, he just said that it was not three), and since the game against the broncos, a broken finger.

Can you walk around with broken ribs?

yes they can.

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