It depends on if your playing pro football or not! In Sunday league based games they can vary. But in an official match ... 15 MINS ...
it is a 15 minute break
Men's soccer games are 90 minutes not including the half time break or added time.
In professional soccer, 90 minutes plus a half time break. Each half is 45 minutes.In high school soccer, each half is 40 minutes in length.
15 minute half-time rest.
Yes it does.
An official World Cup soccer match is comprised of two 45 minute halves and a 15 minute break during half time. The length of either each half of play or the half time interval can be changed, but must be agreed upon by the official before the start of play.
45 minutes each half, there are injury time minutes added on at the end of each half. The accepted length of a game is 90 minutes (not including the injury time)
The total time for a soccer game is 90minutes. the first half is 45 minutes and the second half is also 45 minutes
Yes if there was time wasted
1st half is 45 minutes. half time is 15 minutes. 2nd half is 45 minutes.
26 minutes each half