If you balance it with other things it is a great way to have fun. If its what you care about above all you will become a dead head. A sports fan is concerned about the achievements of strangers not his/her own.
Being a sports fan is a great way to enhance your life. You can meet other like-minded individuals, share a sense of purpose and fun with them. It provides a focus which can be a great distraction from the stresses and strains of ordinary life. It is important to balance being a fan with the usual things of eating well, sleeping and exercising, but on the whole I cannot think of any negatives of being a sports fan.
Not at all I don't think so.
Sports fan = Sportsfreund (male) Sports fan = Sportsfreundin (female)
Technically a fan would be a sports' fan but the plural noun is used as an adjunct here, so sports fan is also correct.
Sports Fan Radio Network ended in 2001.
Sports Fan Radio Network was created in 1996.
yes i think so im really a wwe fan.
A Gay sports fan
You would call them a sports addict.