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Everyone was preapproved during the sale at the local dealership.

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Q: How do you use pre approve in a sentence?
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I'm not so sure I approve of that mannerism.

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Many leaders did not approve of or sanction the civil war.

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She is a pre doctoral student in the College of Arts and Sciences.

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I hope the council agrees to approve my resolution.

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The young Muslim girl had to meet her christian boyfriend illicitly as her parents did not approve.

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He is among the preeminent people in his profession.

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He liked her, but his family did not approve.

How can I pre-approve for a mortgage?

To pre-approve for a mortgage, you will need to submit an application to a lender. They will review your financial information, such as income, credit score, and debt, to determine how much they are willing to lend you. This pre-approval letter can help you when house hunting, as it shows sellers that you are a serious buyer who can secure financing.

How do you use podiatry in a sentence?

This profile is consistent with equivalent UK pre-registration podiatry programs.

How do you used the word verify in a sentence?

In order to approve this message, we must verify that it's a complete sentence.

How would you use enclose in a sentence?

Please enclose a check for all monies due in the pre-paid envelope