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At the part that looks like a horseshoe, with your index and middle fingers together, put them on the right side if you're a righty, left side if you're a lefty. Go into your wind up, and instead of throwing it like a fastball, have the top of your fingers facing up. When you have released the ball, the top of the fingers should be facing down. This happens when your fingers go 'over' the ball. I have found it that the sharper your fingers go 'over' the ball, the more it will break. If your arm hurts while throwing it, you should stop throwing it for a while and rest. A good way to rest your arm is to ice it where it hurts.

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17y ago
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16y ago

Grasp the Dodge Ball with your hand and pull your hand in so that the ball touches your wrist and your wrist is curved in. pull you arm back and launch it moving your body with it. it is very tricky. right here is the way but learn your style to throw it while you have your wrist in.

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12y ago

for me, it works to just take my 2 seam grip, then turn those seams towards the sky, and put my thumb on the side and 2 fingers, touching each other on the other side, then when yo throw, throw normally, but tilt your wrist up just a little

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17y ago

Check the 'Throwing a Curve Ball' link to learn about the mechanics of a curve ball.

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16y ago

the momentum of the Baseball carries the ball the way you spin it

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13y ago

u put ur middle finger on the seam and the thumb on the other one

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12y ago

In order to hit a curve ball you must wait and watch the ball first. Then get in your bat stance. Once you see the ball come in side, swing.

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15y ago

get your index and middle finger on the laces and have your thumb on the opposite side as you begin throwing the pitch snap your wrist and elbow and release the pitch

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16y ago

spin the ball across your body

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