hold the ball like a four seam fastball then you know how you throw a curve get more grip and hold the ball tighter when your releseing the ball give it more break on it and curve your arm the other way then just relese it last with your index finger hope this helps. p.s it can hurt your hand
a curveball, slider, fastball,knuckleball,4seam fastball,changeup What about a knucklecurve, a palmball, slurve, circlechange, and a 2seamer
yes very much so My 10 year old can. It just takes good will and a lot of practice
Who Knows. An effective curve is 70's to low 80's. Any faster and you might as well throw a slurve or slider.
Click on the links under the 'Related Questions' heading at the bottom of this page for instructions on throwing the pitches an MLB pitcher throws.
Throw it.
it is a scratch throw when you throw the ball it will go straght
The past tense of throw is threw. The present tense of throw is throw.
The principal parts of "throw" are throw, threw, thrown.
Throw by itself is already in future tense! Here's an example: He thought he would throw the ball.
a underhand throw
Well, it can be. You can wear something that is informally called a "throw." Usually though, the word throw is used as a verb. You throw a ball, or throw a pot on the pottery wheel.