They care for kittens the same way your house cat cares for her kittens.
I think both take turns taking care of the baby until the baby goes of on its own
if your hamster falls out of its cage then put some kind of clean clothe on your hand and pick it up and put it into the nest with its mom and its mom will take it from there at first make sure the mom doesn't reject the baby if the mom tries to eat the baby or doesn't care for it you will have to care for it yourself or sell it
first dad and mom ewytytcv7rgfsxt fkuygyjfgfsrtewyi usd
It depends on how old the mouse is. If it is a New-born then no the mom will leave the mouse.
the mom does
you had to fine the mom
Most of the time there is no need to do anything the "mom" sheep will take care of everything but when there are multiples the "mom" cant keep track of all of them and you might need to bottle feed it
they do it by themselves
I would think the mom bird teachs the baby bird to fly so the baby bird knows how to fly and take care of the baby the bird will have when it grows up so it can fly and take care of itself and the baby it has if it has one ^____^.
By taking on more responsibilities around the house, do more chores, show to her you are responsible enough to handle taking care of a cat all on your own. Show her that you will take full responsibility and care of the cat and she will not have to do anything to care for it. Maybe have the cat solely in your room/small part of the house, this way your mom won't have to deal with the cat all the time and it is more of a responsibility for you to care for it.
The mom and dad are over pertective