Whoever makes noise after the person says "who has the red ball" has the red ball. It doesn't matter how many names u say just who says afterwards. Get it?
You can't specifically "cheat" on red ball or red ball 2. Just practice the game and play it a lot and maybe you'll figure it out.
Hmmm, that deserves an answer & I don't know.... If the last red is the ball on has the player, touching ball or not, got to make a fair attempt to play the ball on ? if he has played a foul you are entitled to play the ball as it lies or ask him to play from where the ball now is..... if he has not made a foul then I'm thinking it is simply you to play, snookered or not..... I'll see if I can find you a more comprehensive answer, but don't hold your breath.... You can breathe out now ! If the player is on a red & the cue ball is touching a colour the player must make a fair attempt to play the red & must play away from the colour. simply in the professional game the referee would call a miss if the player does not make a fair attempt, in the amateur game he must make a fair attempt to play the ball on (the red) if he does not do this then it is a foul shot. As far as I know the miss rule only applies to the professional game.
Yes,there is game called Red Ball 4,on ,,Not Doppler,,.It will come out 1st november.
This particular game is in poptropica wimpy boardwalk, all you have to do is throw the ball near the red hole. You might need more than one token to win this game.
The online game you are referring to is most likely "Red Ball." In this game, players control a red ball and navigate through different levels by bouncing on platforms to collect stars and avoid obstacles.
That is called a kick ball. For example, if Team Blue had the ball and they passed it but Team Red kicked it out of play, then Team Blue would pass the ball to his/her teammate from out of bounds.
Huntington Avenue Baseball grounds
actually do not go on to king.com cuz u cant play the 13 - 17 levels you actually have to go to http://www.kongregate.com/games/maklaus/red-ball and play it there and that is the onl answer never play it on king.com cuz it doesnt work or not that i know of
on 1869 the red stockings were the first team to play...
No, the pink must not be touching the nearest red when the table has been set for the start of the game.
Treecho cannot learn Energy Ball in Red Rescue Team because Energy Ball is a 4th generation move, and Red Rescue Team is a 3rd generation game. Energy Ball hadn't been invented when Red Rescue Team came out.
All of them could be, but it is rare to even see two being potted in a game. It is not to the advantage of a player to do so. In fact it is a disadvantage. After potting a red, the get to choose a colour to go for, and if they get it they can go for another red. However, if they pot more than one red in one shot, they still only get to go for one colour in the next shot before having to again try for a red.