You should give the pros to playing a sport, such as it keeps you fit, it's a good character builder, and it shows teamwork.
Examine why it is important to yourself, and then convey that to the group. In life, some people feel passionate about things about which no one else gives a crap. Just like politics. I think the political process is very important, and my good friend Keith can't care less. It isn't his passion. It is mine. Sounds like sports are yours. My guess is if you're trying to "convince" a group of people who aren't interested in sports, that they should be, you're wasting your time. The best thing to do is to "convince" them to be passionate about whatever their passions are.
girls should play on boys sports teams because the thing that is stopping them is a gender matter.
Yes, the noun 'crowd' is a word for a large group of people; a group is a thing.The word 'crowd' is also a verb: crowd, crowds, crowding, crowded.
Ask them nicely. Respect that they have to work hard to earn the money, and provide a good reason why you should have some money and why you need to buy a new thing.
you shouldn't to begin with its not the right thing
Persuade means the same thing as convince. It involves influencing someone's thoughts or actions by presenting arguments or reasons to support a particular belief or course of action.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a large crowd is a mob. If that is not a good word choice, then how about throng?
the one thing that can get people to join is the love of the game
it's like a fake thing to persuade people to like pandas
If you are agoraphobic, a crowd would be a horrible thing to you.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a large crowd is a mob. If that is not a good word choice, then how about throng?