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That depends whether you are talking about professional sports, high school sports, College Sports, or recreational sports for younger kids.

If it is for professional sports, the best way would be to advertise on TV. For high schools, place posters and banners all around the school stating tryout times and other important information. For college sports, do the same as in high school or send messages about the sport to local high schools. For recreational sports for younger kids, post tryouts or how to participate in the sport around the neighborhood like at local parks.

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15y ago
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13y ago

always play regularly with the person who always beats you so you can improve can also improve yourself be practicing always...remember, practice makes perfect! that's what i always do when i just a beginner..know I'm always at the first place!

tip: just remember, don't take it too sriously when you play with the person who always beats you.

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11y ago

Increase the quantity and quality of physical education classes in school, increase funding for local sports teams, promote professional athletes as role models, promote nutritious diets and daily exercise

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15y ago

You can allways practice the sport that you play other wise if you have other problems in the country or in your family situations.

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10y ago

Running from dad

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