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1). Hold a very deep grip - this is a strength training exercise for the start of one armed chin ups or one armed pull ups. 2). Don't over do it - rest - build up this strength. 3). Hold a deep grip. 4). Hang for 10 secs each side, alternate, and take days off, you'll be able to hang for 10 secs, then 15, and your grip strength will improve.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

There are a few knots that can be tied with one hand.

One of the most useful knots for one hand is the slip knot. Lay the line down, reach under with your right hand, reach over the line to your right, reach underneath and grab the line close to you, grab and pull back forming a loop enclosed by the hitch you formed from reaching. Place the loop over something - a slip knot.

The Boy Scout's Lark's Head or cow hitch is easily made with one hand - With the line laying flat, reach underneath, grab both end with your hand and pull your hand back - the 2 half hitches formed should be slid over anything horizontal - this is a Lark's Head.

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