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you are not born with the talent of throwing a Baseball hard. all you have to do is work out a little bit.after that u practce throwing a baseball.try different ways of throwing it see wat fits u. watch baseball games and see how they throw after seeing them you might wanna try doing wat the do

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13y ago
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16y ago

There is a new baselayer out which increase velocity for pitching, batting and running Its by a company called asus you can find them at I bought one and it works for me . good luck

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12y ago

This is how you throw a baseball really hard. You take the ball and put your two fingers, the middle and the pointer you take those fingers put it on the top of the ball. The other fingers at the bottom of the ball. Then you raise your arm above your head and throw it as hard as you can. Make sure that you throw it when somebody is looking but make sure to throw it strait.

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12y ago

First you eye ball the tether ball lift it up twice and then hit it not to hard or you will mess up only hit with your wrist when serving then you will win and hit it hard.

Also don't hit hard hit soft.

Sincerely Tether Master 101

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17y ago

Try using your legs, When you push off with your legs you put less strain on your throwing arm. If you watch MLB pitchers, pay close attention to the way they push off the mound when they pitch. When you learn to coordinate your push off with your throwing motion, it will help you throw a lot harder

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12y ago

place your two fingers (index+middle) on the seams of the baseball and then throw it

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17y ago

Practice, and practice. Theres no secret.

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Q: How can you throw the ball harder and gain more velocity?
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Yes The equation for momentum is mass x velocity So if you increase velocity the momentum increases

What is the best way to gain pitching velocity?

The way I do it is that I hold in between the two seems with closed fingers and crack your arm forward like make an L with your arm sticking up, raise your arm and crack forward. Also when you are doing it you flex your muscle and stop flexing it when you release the ball you stop flexing and you throw as hard as you possibly could. im 11 and with this technique i reach up to 60mph (96kph).

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A line-out against the team who put it in touch EXCEPT where a penalty kick was awarded. IN this case the team awarded the penalty kick may decide to kick for position advantage and in doing so kicks the ball in to touch. The line-out awarded from this is FOR the team taking the penalty and they have the throw in. In the case of a free kick (j) Outside the kicker's 22, no gain in ground. When a free kick awarded outside the 22 goes directly into touch, the throw-in is in line with where the ball was kicked, or where it went into touch, whichever is nearer the kicker's goal line. (k) Inside the kicker's 22 or in-goal, gain in ground. When a free kick is awarded in the 22 or in-goal and the kick goes directly into touch, the throw-in is where the ball went into touch.

When you throw a ball in the air what type of energy does it gain as it rises?

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