If you break a certain school, you might get punishment like detention, demerits, scolded are teacher/principal, etc. Breaking the sport rules, might just lead you to not join the part of the game, and you might be ending up with the same punishments which apply for breaking school rules. These types of punishments are not too severe. On the other hand, if you break a certain law of the land, you might get punishment like being fined with a lot of money, sentences to jail for number months or years. These punishments are very harsh and severe.
Laws of the land are legal regulations established by a government that apply to all individuals within a specific jurisdiction, enforced by authorities such as police and courts. School and sports rules, on the other hand, are guidelines and regulations set by educational institutions or sports organizations to govern behavior and conduct within those specific environments. While laws of the land are enforceable by the legal system with potential criminal consequences, school and sports rules are typically enforced through disciplinary actions within their respective institutions.
You can. While school officials have no direct authority away from school, they may still address and advise their students. While you are on school premises, you are subject to school rules. And school rules can be extended to include local community rules, county rules or country rules ( 'the law of the land rules'). So exhibit good manners wherever you are, and you can avoid unpleasant forms of discipline.
There were lots of Indian player playing sports in the olden days. They invented lacrosse and played very long games over several kilometres of land and there were no rules. If you are talking about modern times about the same amount of Indians play sports per capita as Caucasians.
Water, yes. Land, I don't think so.
The amount of land needed for a school can vary depending on factors such as the number of students, facilities required, and desired outdoor space. As a rough estimate, a school typically requires at least 1-2 acres, but this can vary widely. It's important to consider factors like parking, playgrounds, sports fields, and classroom space when determining the amount of land needed for a school.
Queen rule's.
The Greeks own this land
The size of land for secondary school is about 27plot of land
the rules that the malcontents complained about were: 1. no slaves 2. no liquor 3. land owner-500 acres of land could not swap trade sell land
when your land was established before the city rules applied
Many sports are played through out Africa. Some sports, in fact many American sports are shared in Africa.Some sports they have that we do not include cricket. Popular sports are golfing,surfing,running,rugby,hockey,boxing and swimming. These all were noot invented in the US and shared with Africa, but invented in different parts of the world, and our two continents enjoy them.All of these sports can take a huge part in Africa's culture, and enjoyed in their land as in ours. :)
Water and outdoor sports on land are what people play on Aruba. The island's year round pleasant climate encourages outdoor activities. Kite surfing and wind surfing are popular water sports. Beach volleyball, golf, soccer, and tennis are popular sports on land.