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Q: How Recovering a fumbled ball is the main cause of Football Injuries.?
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What sports cause the most injuries to children?

Tackle football! Hope this helps:)

WHAT type of sports are most likely to cause injuries and why?

contact sports cause lots of injuries because of the constant physical contact. Concussions, broken body parts, and sprained and dislocated fingers happen often in football.

Does playing football cause memory loss?

Possibly. Some head injuries, including certain ones received while playing football, could result in memory loss.

Does playing football cause nerve damage?

Football can easily cause many injuries, including nerve damage. Even though you wear a helmet and padding, the constant hits from other players will take a toll on your brain and nervous system.

Which part of the pwc can cause severe injuries?

The steering nozzle is the part of the PWC that can cause severe internal injuries.

What can cause the most of the injuries and deaths from tornadoes?

Most deaths and injuries in a tornado are cause by flying or falling debris.

The motor on a PWC is running. Which part of the PWC can cause several injuries?

The drive shaft can cause severe internal injuries.

Which part of the PWC can cause severe internal injuries?

The steering nozzle is the part of the PWC that can cause severe internal injuries.

What is the leading cause of accident injuries?

There are many reasons for accident injuries. The main reason and leading cause for accident injuries would be because of car crashes and drinking and smoking problems.

The motor on a PWC is running Which part of the PWC can cause severe internal injuries?

The drive shaft can cause severe internal injuries.

How can ankle injuries occur in sports?

Ankle injuries can occur in any kind of sport, when the ankle is twisted out of place. Football is a good example where there are sudden changes in direction. Any activity that causes a person to land heavily on their feet such as gymnastics or hurdling can also cause ankle problems.

What can cause head injuries?

A hit to the head