Many are answering correclty that there are 20 different numbers. However, in order to improve upon this answer, we need to look at the Doubles and triples. With the throw of one dart, excluding the bullseyes it is possible to get 60 different numbers. Each of the 20 numbers has a double area and a triple area, so if you get a triple 19 you get 57 points. So, I would contend that there are actually 60 different numbers or points that can obtained with the throw of one dart, even though there are only 20 distint numbers designated on the board.
there are 20 numbers on a dart board exculding the the bull and 25
it is a person
a dartboard, 20
The numbers 1-20 are on a dart board so there are twenty numbers.
There are eight prime numbers under 20.
The standard dartboard is divided into 20 numbered sections.
Excluding the bulls-eyes, the numbers are one through to twenty (twenty numbers in total).
There are 12 such numbers (excluding 24).
Excluding numbers with leading 0s, there are 6804 such numbers.
I answered this someplace else, but on a standard dartboard it's all the numbers 1-20 (so 20 total)