A string is a line of text. For example: Dim example As String = "whatever text you want" Would make a string that says "whatever text you want" Later, you can use this for a msgbox or textbox Example: TextBox1.Text = example '(that is the string we made) or MsgBox(example, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Note!") '(would display a msgbox containing the text in the string)
Example: If (my.textbox1.text = my.textbox2.text) Then ...
functional text is an everday thing
a form of classification
Yes it is!!
Information text
Information text
Anything from theonion.com.
an audio text
An example of a spoof text is when you send a text to someone else and it looks like a different person sent it. There are websites and apps that will disguise your number when you send a text.