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A bouncier balls is likely to travel to farther distances than a lesser bouncier ball. A number of experiments conducted to prove this have shown that bouncier balls go the distance.

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16y ago

Yes spin and force of kick is very important to a balls trajectory and distance travelled

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Q: Dose the sice of a ball effect how far it gose when somebody kicks it?
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When a player kicks the ball how fast can it go?

it depends how hard he kicks it.

What is the call when a batter bunts and he kicks while in the batters box?

I'm confused on what he kicks. If he kicks the ball then it is considered a "dead ball" and a strike. However if there is two strikes the batter may be out because a dead ball is like a foul ball. I hope this helps

A soccer player kicks a ball into what?

A soccer player kicks a ball into the opposing team's goal. A goalkeeper will try to stop this from happening

Kinds of kicks?

punt, when you the goalie kicks the ball by dropping it and then kicking it with their foot. corner kick, when defence goes to the very edge of the field and kicks the ball to the offense. goalie kick, when the goalie is on the inside corner of the goal box and kicks to the offence.

What are some defensive kicks in soccer?

well it is a complicated question but: Goal kicks corner kicks free kicks indirect kick direct kick kick off bicycle kick bending ball lob ball and etc etc you have to know the game if you want to know what these mean

If a team scores a touchdown who kicks after?

the team that scored the touchdown kicks the ball off to the other team

What a soccer player does to the ball?

A player kicks it, chests it, passes it, or throws it (from a throw in), a goalkeeper kicks it, catches it and throws it.

Can the team that kicks an on side kick advance the ball and score?


How do you take goal kicks?

You take goal kicks by, pointing your foot down and aim to where you want the ball to go; then kick!

What do you put a football on when you punt it?

Nothing you hike it back yo the kicker and he kicks it like a golly kicks when he gets the ball.

How do you do Cristiano Ronaldo free kicks?

First you open your legs like somebody is going to open ya, then you bend over and start licking your lips like u really want it, then u step forward and shoot the ball!

What are soccer traditions?

yelling PUTO! when the golie kicks the ball away