Munro Chambers's birth name is Munro Skylear Chambers.
Munro Chambers { :D } Is 5'6''
Munro Chambers has no sisters.
Munro Chambers mom is Carrie Chambers and his dads name is Chuck Chambers!
Munro Chambers is 21 in 2011
Thomas Chambers is Two minutes Older than Munro Chambers
Yes. Munro and his brother Thomas played the twins. They were only minor characters.
Munro Chambers was born on July 29, 1990.
Munro Chambers was born on July 29, 1990.
Munro Chambers was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Munro Chambers is not now and will never hopefully be in jail
Munro Chambers goes by Munreezy, and Munbreezy.