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Marty has a business called motolocker in Santee, Ca.

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Q: Does Marty tripes own a motorcycle shop?
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Related questions

How do you make motocross graphics?

Never heard of anyone making their own, you just buy them at any motorcycle shop.

How old do you have to be to own a motorcycle in New Jersey?

You don't have to be any age to own a motorcycle. To ride a motorcycle you need a motorcycle drivers license and this can be obtained at 17.

Does craig robert jensen own a motorcycle?

The late Craig Robert Jensen did not own a motorcycle

In New Jersey do you need motorcycle insurance to own a motorcycle?

No, you need a motorcycle license

When you get a motorcycle license do you have to get insurance?

Only if you own a motorcycle and plan to ride.

What is the air pressure in a 2001 harley Davidson superglide?

Everybody has their own opinion on tire pressure, but in my motorcycle shop we put 36 lbs in all Harley tires.

How do you build a motorcycle?

You can build a motorcycle at your own garage by using after market products and objects. Simply, get the objects and build up a tickle of your own choice.

Do you need your own motorcycle to get the license or will they provide you with one if not then can you drive off after buying it without a license from the dealer?

You do not have to own a motorcycle in order to get a motorcycle license. Some states do have motorcycle training programs where they will provide a motorcycle for you to learn on and get a license. Most states have a learners permit where you can ride while you are learning. You would be able to drive a motorcycle from a dealership if you had a permit.

Would you let your uncle take your new motorcycle out to ride with his friends?

Absolutely not ! Tell him to get his own motorcycle !

Did Senator Edward Kennedy ever own a motorcycle?


What are the rules of a motorcycle club?

you have own a motor cycle

Will UIM coverage on my car cover me on my motorcycle if my motorcycle has a different insurance company?

I believe motorcycle insurance has it's own UIM and is separate from car insurance.