Chess includes a lot of strategy and is played all around the world. Chess is also a sport.
im not exactly sure if your asking what you want to do in a chess game, or why people play and enjoy chess. well, im here to tell you both. what you want to do in chess is call ' checkmate! ' or actually win a chess game by checkmating your opponent. why people play chess is a lot less eaisier. i love playing chess, but most people play for the enjoyment, while others play for competetion, or the oppostite, relaxation. i hope i helped you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy chess!!! lolz
To become famous.
If you want to play an interactive game of chess online,I suggest that you go to to play with other can also chat with other people and can watch videos.
If an online resource is required there is website called Chess which offers many free chess games. If you want a real life game, many households have a chess set tucked away and people willing to play with you.
because people want some kids or young people to see how important or how good is sport
Because if he started the modern Olympics he promised to the people he would die
because zeus didn't want them to.
You say where you want your chess piece to go (C5, etc) and it goes there. That's the only thing that's different from normal chess apart from the chess pieces whacking and breaking each other.
Somebody help me. I really want to join a team in Florida. Please give me a list of Florida chess teams I you have it.
Gxdk,as Because they did not want to be killed
china. In reality the people who participate in the Olympics represent their country and therefore it is the country and not the people, who win the Olympics. It is the country with the most medals that is considered as a winner - if you want to think like that. In reality the above answer "china" is incorrect as the final medals table has indicated. Here are the top five in the final medals order. 1. USA 2. People's Republic of China 3. Great Britain. 4. Russian Federation 5. Republic of Korea. The overall winners at the the London 2012 Olympics is USA and not China and if you want to look at "people," then it can be said "Americans" (USA).