no. panda's do not have pouches for their offspring.
No, giant pandas are not marsupials. Marsupials are mammals with pouches to carry their young in, and pandas do not have a pouch where the babies live for the first part of their lives. Giant Pandas are related to bears; Red Pandas to raccoons. Not all marsupials have pouches.
NO! Pandas have fur and give birth to their young! They could be marsupials, because they have a pouch, marsupials are mammals. Don't be stupid. Reptileshave scales and lay eggs.
Yes, the dunnart has a pouch. Most, not all, marsupials do have a pouch.
The pouch is also called the "brood pouch".
How big is the pouch
No he does not have a pouch
gular pouch
The female kangaroo does: her brood pouch.
Tobacco is stored in a tobacco pouch. The young is stored in a marsupials pouch. A pouch is simply a sack-like item for storing whatever the owner of the pouch wants to put inside.
no no gender of kangroo has a pouch
gular pouch