Not yet they are continuing the series on FOX. Yet in "The Farnsworth Parabox" the parallel fry and leela do get married.
About a thousand times
So far not explicitly, but at the end of the 4th film things look promising for Fry, we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the new episodes.
Season 6 The Humans are Revolting
There were a few. In Season 2, she married Fry due to a sweet thing he did, but it was during a time skip disaster, so it literally lasted only a few seconds before they divorced. In the feature film "Bender's Big Score," Leela was to marry a handsome man named Lars, but dumped her at the altar (you have to see it in order to understand; it's hard to explain). The one where she and Fry finally married for good was, so far, the very last episode
Love and Rocket from the fourth season.
Yo Leela Leela was created on 2011-07-21.
Answer this question...leela and sidda were good friends
There are lots of character so I will start with the main people... Fry Leela Bender Dr zoidberg zap Brannigan Kif Amy Mr wong Mrs won etc
Answer this question...leela and sidda were good friends
The cast of Leela - 1947 includes: Agha Leela Mishra
I love leela my kitty