Yep. In 1956, Tad Wettfitte overran the endzone at Sniblet field, broke through the fence into the adjacent natatorium, where he drowned. Since then, in his honor, many groups have started football pools.
Loads of professional football players have died... I think you mean have any football players ever died while playing? The answer is yes, too many to mention. The two most recent professional footballers to die whilst playing (as of 17th June 2010) are Guran Tunjic of Mladost FC, he collapsed from a heart attack and actually received a yellow card as the referee thought he had dived, only to find out the real reason Tunjic collapsed. He died in May 2010 and Wilson Mene of Prek Pra Keila FC died 8th May 2010 after collapsing during a league match. Also, in March 2009, an Iraqi footballer was shot dead by a spectator as he was just about to score an equalising goal in the last minute.
Chuck Hughes of the Detroit Lions in 1971 died playing the Chicago Bears. He had a heart attack.
Yes. A lot of students die of heat stroke and dehydration yearly
yes, 10 people died in the NFL. mostly of heart attacks.
i did
If you are a Christian, you can die happy knowing that you will soon be reunited with Christ in heaven, a place that is better than anyone could ever imagine. If you smile when you die, you die happy.
No one ever knows when they or anyone else is going to die.
Yes, approximately 18,000 birds die A YEAR!
no no one ever dies in the show
yes in sea world
not tht i know of if they did they would die instantly
yes watch 1000 ways to die
yes in 1989 wich was one of the reason why the show stopped.
Be a queen live a life then die and get stepped on and never see anyone ever again