

Define mechanical guidance

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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RE: Is when the process of a rock goes through weathering

That would be the meaning of... Something.... I think a more accurate answer would be " ... is the process a rock undergoes due to man-made pressure."

Like if you hit a rock with a hammer, and it breaks, that would be mechanical weathering.

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13y ago

it is like this. You can't lift a Car with the force what you can apply through your hands. But the same force through use of a Jack it is possible. This is mechanical advantage.That is multiplying the efforts through a mechanism.

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14y ago

From Wikipedia: Quantum mechanics (QM) is a set of scientific principles describing the known behavior of energy and matter that predominate at the atomic and subatomic scales. The name derives from the observation that some physical quantities-such as the energy of an electron-can be changed only by set amounts, or quanta, rather than being capable of varying by any amount.

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Use of equipment to help support leaner or shape skill

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A mechanical mechanism is a device or contraption that is operated automatically, and not manually or requiring manual labor.

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15y ago

Mechanical energy is Force x Distance. In the SI system it is Newton x Meter. 1 Newton.meter = 1 Joule. In the foot pound system it is foot.poundforce (ft.lbf). 1 Joule = 0.7376 ft.lbf

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