RE: Is when the process of a rock goes through weathering
That would be the meaning of... Something.... I think a more accurate answer would be " ... is the process a rock undergoes due to man-made pressure."
Like if you hit a rock with a hammer, and it breaks, that would be mechanical weathering.
From Wikipedia: Quantum mechanics (QM) is a set of scientific principles describing the known behavior of energy and matter that predominate at the atomic and subatomic scales. The name derives from the observation that some physical quantities-such as the energy of an electron-can be changed only by set amounts, or quanta, rather than being capable of varying by any amount.
Mechanical and Electrical
define mechanical & simple mechanical berify
the mechanical part of a mouse can be seen as the driver of direction in a mouse.
1623: German Mathematician Wilhelm Schickard developed the first mechanical calculator
mechanical friction is when two mechanics create friction
my name is Ibrahim's 23 years old , I live in abbassia -Cairo, I graduated from akhbar el youm ,I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering
The word mechanical usually means having to do with machines. It can be the way they are built, the way they run, or how they are repaired.The scientific study called mechanics deals with objects being acted on by forces or being moved by them.
The two types of mechanical waves are transverse waves and longitudinal waves. In transverse waves, particles in the medium move perpendicularly to the direction of the wave's propagation. In longitudinal waves, particles in the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave's propagation.
which is different from accounting,refers to the mechanical aspects off accounting, such as recording,classifying,and summarising transactions.bookkeeping is therefore a part off accounting....
In the wave-mechanical model of the atom, orbitals are regions of space where there is a high probability of finding an electron. These orbitals define the three-dimensional shape and size of the space where an electron is most likely to be located.
definir - to define defino - I define defines - you (singular, informal) define define - you (singular, formal) define, he/she defines definimos - we define defineis - you (plural, informal) define definen - you (plural, formal)/ they define.
There are several types of engineering jobs: Mechanical, Structural, Civil, Technical, Electrical, Software etc. You need to define which field you are interested in before determining employment outlook.