you like to play Baseball you cannot throw a ball very well, however, you are a good catcher.
you like to play baseball you cannot throw a ball very well, in fact, you hit the batter last week.
you like to play baseball you cannot throw a ball very well, for instance, last week the ball didn't make it to the batter's box.
you like to play baseball you cannot throw a ball very well, besides that, you sprained your ankle and can't run the bases.
A is the correct answer to this question I just took the test and missed the question A: However 08/12/08
the answer is A.
choose the connective that belongs in the blank in the following sentence.
A: however
You like to play baseball BUT you can't throw a ball very well.
i want to know about connective that use with compound complex
At the end of the sentence
Yes, "is" is a connective word that is often used to join two parts of a sentence or express a relationship between them.
Yes, but its use is normally limited to creative writing. The exception is where a following sentence continues the same thought as the one preceding it, and making them one sentence would be too long, awkward, or unwieldy.
a sentence with a connective or/and a comma to make it longer!
No,it is not as it doesnt connect a sentence.
An example of a connective is "and", which is used to join two or more elements in a sentence. For example, in the sentence "I like to read books and watch movies," "and" is the connective that links the actions of reading books and watching movies.
The connective "of course" would make the most sense.
"Often" is an adverb that can be used to indicate frequency or repetition in a sentence. It is not a connective like "and," "but," or "because."
It all happened in an instance.