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No, if you are talking about bb's for a BB gun. The BB's for an air rifle or BB gun wont even stay in a Magazine for an airsoft gun. Airsoft BB's are 6mm, air rifle bb's are much smaller. You will ruin an airsoft gun with the smaller metal bbs.

But you can get aluminum 6mm pellets for an airsoft gun.

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13y ago
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16y ago

No, and for good reason. metal bbs DO NOT come in 6mm, to keep people from doing what you are asking. The closest you can get is a .22 or 5.5mm, in which case you would probably woulnd't be shooting it as much as it would just be gently blown out the barrel.

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14y ago

You can not, to my understanding put them in an airsoft gun as real bbs are alot heavier and smaller. If you want go to wal-mart and buy a $50.00 to shoot real bb's.

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11y ago

Yes, bbs is the ammo used in ALL airsoft guns... This question is like asking if you can use bullets in real guns, I mean come on, use Google...

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15y ago

You can sort of dribble metal BBs from an airsoft gun. Airsofts are 6mm- about .220. BBs are .177, a lot smaller.

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15y ago

no, airsoft bbs are too small.

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Q: Can you shoot metal bbs from an L96 airsoft sniper?
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