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If you are a genie, but seriously, levitation is impossible

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Q: Can you lift your feet off the ground when playing darts?
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What is Hannah Montana's favourite song?

You Lift My Feet Off The Ground by Taylor Swift.

How you can jump?

You are able to jump by using your feet to apply force to the ground and then using this force to allow you to lift off the ground.

Can Palkia fly?

i think palkia can only lift a few feet off the ground even though it has wings

Can a hurricane lift a house out of the ground?

yes. a hurricane can lift a houso out of the ground.

Can you lift either foot off the ground in a throw in?

In a throw in both feet need to stay on the ground. You may get a running start and drag one foot behind you, but both feet need to stay on the ground. If a foot is lifted the throw in will go to the other team.

What is a physical feature of a cobra?

Cobras have a wide hood. They have huge fangs and are very venomous. They can lift 10 feet off the ground.

How do you do a straddle press?

To do a straddle press go into a straddle. next, put your hands on the ground. then, you will have to lift off of your hands. after that lift your feet in the air. REMEMBER: THE STRADDLE PRESS IS THE SAME AS THE STRADDLE PRESS HANDSTAND.

How do you hand rave?

first of all lay face down on the ground. slowly lift yourself up by your head and feet and count to ten. shout neigh

What is to lift a car?

There are two types... To lift a car, in the form of a car lift, lift off the ground. The other is to lift a car with a suspension lift, installing taller springs, etc.

Do dogs ever lift up or shake their paws when the ground is wet. Does any particular breed mind having wet feet?

my female Shepard lab lifts her feet over certain rain puddles when walking in our driveway.

How much lift does it take for an airplane to get off the ground?

In order to lift off the ground, the lift force (the upward force generated by the wings) has to be at least as great as the weight of the aircraft. Lift and weight are opposing forces and are equal in straight and level flight.

How does a blue jay get lift?

blue jays jump off the ground/tree in order for them to get lift