A basket ball looks like it barely fits through the goal when in fact two basketballs side by side will fit through the goal.
no cause allusion does not have a sister that has ice powers
He made an allusion to my college being less important than his.
an historical allusion can be boycott or a person or his or her saying that is used today as an example
No, this is not an example of an allusion. An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, or event, usually from literature or history. In this sentence, the comparison is direct and not making a reference to anything else.
an allusion...
The verb tense of "allusion" is present tense. For example, "She alludes to the idea that..."
The movie Cleopatra is an allusion as well as other classics, like Frankenstein and more.
An example of a classical allusion is referencing the "Achilles' heel," which alludes to the Greek myth of Achilles who was invulnerable except for his heel. This allusion is used to describe a vulnerable point or weakness in someone or something.
an allusion...
An allusion is anything that alludes to or refers to something well known. "It is raining so hard we need to build an ark" would be a Biblical allusion to the story of Noah. There can be Biblical, Historical, Classical, and Literary allusions. I would have to reread the story to give a specific example but maybe knowing what it is you can find the answer yourself know.